Fall 2024 Economic Research Report Led by VP of Investment Environment Fletcher Khem, the BSIF Economics Team has created a detailed Macroeconomic Report. This resource helps our Student Analysts research and understand different parts of the economy. Fall 24 Macroeconomic Report
Join us for the Fall 2024 Pitch Night!
November 20, 2024, at 7 pm, BSIF Alumni are invited to the Fall 2024 Pitch night! Contact bsif@truman.edu with any questions! https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZDJhYmRhYzAtNDMwZC00MzIwLTkxODQtYTRhMzJhZTk4NmZk%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e67cf741-63ca-444f-b1a7-e66daff5b6a9%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22bc12abf2-bf3f-433d-89ac-1abc4192886a%22%7d
BSIF Wins Again at the CFA Research Challenge
Members Annali Cler, Anthony Hill, and Shane Legatzke won 1st place at the St. Louis Local CFA Research Challenge. The team beat five other student analyst teams, representing Washington University in St. Louis, Lindenwood University, University of Missouri – St. Louis, Southeastern Illinois University – Carbondale, and Saint Louis University.
Financial Literacy Week
The Bulldog Student Investment Fund will be hosting its first Financial Literacy Week this upcoming February 8th – 12th! This series of events is designed to promote education and conversation about money management and personal finance topics as well as to give students an introduction into savings and investing. Events are free of charge and open to all Truman students. Monday 2/8: Monopoly Enjoy a night of friendly competition with this classic strategy board game as your test your hand at capitalism and learn a bit more about the economy. 7:00 pm, SUB Georgian C Tuesday 2/9: Money Management Learn more about practical personal …
BSIF at CFA Research Challenge
BSIF found success a second time at the local level of the CFA Research Challenge. Student Analysts Annali Cler, Anthony Hill, and Shane Legatzke went on to compete in the Americas Regional final in Seattle, WA. The BSIF Team placed first at the local CFA Institute Research Challenge in St. Louis and competed nationally in Atlanta, GA. Pictured are Student Analysts David Shoko, Lasse Fuss, and Sam Lohmeyer, along with Faculty Advisor Chuck Boughton.
BSIF Wins Big at GAME 2017
BSIF Student Investors took home first place for the best risk-adjusted return on a value portfolio at the 2017 GAME Forum in New York City. BSIF has also enjoyed past success at the ENGAGE Investment Symposium, where the fund took home best risk-adjusted return in 2015.
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About the Fund
In the Bulldog Student Investment Fund, student members work together to manage real money generously provided by Truman’s endowment and Alumni donations. The fund provides practice and hands-on experiences in equity security analysis and portfolio construction. The fund also engages the students with an Economics background in market research teams to provide everyone with an overall macro/microeconomic outlook of the investment environment. It will allow students to participate in all aspects of managing an endowment, including portfolio construction, asset allocation, investment policy statement maintenance and development, equity security analysis and performance reporting. The Bulldog Student Investment Fund is sponsored by …